Yi celebrates 31st birthday with style as he explodes for 30 points and 12 boards. Sichuan decimated 138–111.

3 min readOct 28, 2018


Thundering dunk from Yi.

Yi starting with an impressive one handed flush, Guangdong plays Sichuan at home for their first home court game of the season. This is also Du Feng’s first home game since returning as coach after signing a 5-year agreement with Guangdong Southern Tigers. Again Guangdong’s impressive defense on display as they force Sichuan to two turnovers with a near full shot clock. One of the turnovers resulting in a breakaway Yi dunk and-one. Guangdong going on an 12–0 run. Interesting for Sichuan is they are playing both of their imports in the first quarter. With both players struggling to gel on the court a Captain Z triple forcing Sichuan to take their first time out as Guangdong stretch their lead to over ten. Yi in the zone scoring 11 points go into the second 33–26.

Franklin and Thompson trying to catch Delaney.

Sichuan needs to tighten up their interior defense with Guangdong firing multiple passes down under the post with no opposition. With Weems and Delany on for Guangdong, it was clear that they wanted to run the ball as much as possible. Sichuan battling to start the second quarter but their point guard causing sloppy passes. Sichuan slowing the pace of the game instead of bursting for transition buckets, we Sichuan taking their time get across the court. Zhao Rui picking up his 4th foul halfway through the second quarter, he’s still being overly aggressive.

Captain Z poster.

Sichuan struggling to generate any offense except from Thompson and Franklin. Relying on the isolation play for the two imports makes their play predictable and stagnated offense. Guangdong completely breaking Sichaun’s defense pulling away by 20 points. Overall the difference lies in the native Chinese players. No one in Sichuan able to create their own shot or run a proper offense. Guangdong looking structured and systematic in their execution. This just means plenty of rest for Yi which should serve Guangdong for the rest of the season. Weems having a field day in the third, his athleticism a level above everyone on the court. Du Zhi Wang having himself quite the home debut, splashing two triples in the third quarter. Guangdong getting to 100 points in the third quarter with 3 minutes still to go.

Alley Oop.

104–82 to start the last quarter, Guangdong in total control of the game. Plenty of time game time for the rotational players, Du Feng will take this opportunity to see what other weapons he’ll be able to utilize. The most exciting part of the fourth could have been the nets of the hoop tearing and the game coming to a standstill while the nets were fixed. Wang Xingkai making his season debut and splashing a trademark corner 3 to start the game, before going on to make 2 more triples. All 12 players getting some time. Encouraging to see Guangdong intensity even in the last seconds, the young guns applying a full court press.




Basketball journalist and analyst focused on China Basketball Association #CBA and P+ League. Fan and supporter of 广东宏远 and 新竹攻城獅.